Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time. 当然,我们应该逮捕它,但由于它一贯表现很好,这次我们饶了它。
Elder had few details of the arrest but said Fakih's record has not a single blemish, adding that the beauty queen is very saddened and very apologetic for the situation that she's in right now. 律师对于法基的被捕还提供了一些细节,他说:这不是法基的记录上唯一的一个污点,,他补充到这位选美皇后对于现在的处境感到非常伤心和万分歉意。
The arrest has refocused politicians on the linkages between futures and equities markets and the regulators 'record. 此案使政界人士再度关注期货和股票市场之间的联系,以及监管机构的记录。
The idea of Uber doing background checks and filtering out this driver with an arrest record is laughable for anyone who has dealt with government records in India. 只要你曾经跟印度政府部门打过交道,你就会知道,质疑Uber为什么没有做好背景调查,从而过滤掉这样一个有犯罪前科的司机,是一个多么可笑的想法。
Booking consists of logging the name and the reason for the arrest in the record book. 备案包括记录名字、被逮捕的原因。
Us book in which arrest be record at a police station 警察分局人犯逮捕登记薄